Encouraging proactivity at Siili with a signals platform

Value of futures thinking in business.

Siili Signals platform is my master’s industry research project (IRP) outcome in 2023. The project journey started from my decision to dive deep into the futures and study the value of futures thinking in business.

Deep research and courses in the area of futures thinking.

Through vigorous research and courses in the area of futures thinking, speculative design and futures strategy, I developed an image of futures thinking in business. I loved how futures design gave direction and tools to frame problems, challenge assumptions and envision multiple future paths – not just one. Inspired me think circular rather than linear as the uncertain and constant change alters the envisioned futures and paths how to get there. Most importantly, understanding that a business can impact its future and gain resiliency by building awareness of the changing environment. Plan to success and mitigate failure. To take action proactively, not reactively.

Develop unique abilities to sense the change.

It's critical to be aware of change to know how to survive when the change happens. Schwirn, M. (2021) explains involving diverse set of talent, helps to create a wide set of understanding as detection of weak signals requires sensitivity and expert knowledge of all areas around the topic such as technology, politics, environment, economy and values. Multidisciplinary teaming key to change and prepares us for the needs of the future as reminded by Bethune, K. (2022). They can problem solve together and immerse itself in many diverse realities, signals and forecasts to find a mutually agreeable opportunities to investigate together.

Siili signals platform concept
Siili Signals platform desktop highlights

Birth of a signal platform

My insight was monitoring signals and trends (events, opinions, new technologies, environmental issues, regulations, social norms, etc) builds awareness. Everyone should be involved to build an informed image of the future possibilities from diverse perspectives. This opens space for discussion across teams and reduces space for unknown information and helps finding actionable insights that are easy to manage. Understanding there are many possible futures and positioning Siili in this future environment inspires developing skills and finding partnerships that support the imagined future and prepares us for the other possible future events.

I tested and developed the platform concept during and after interviews of several Siili's presenting diverse roles and perspectives. It is an initial step, available to all employees, providing new perspectives and encouraging cross-skilled communication.

Where does today end? Yesterday. When does tomorrow begin? Now.

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